Thursday, November 3, 2016
Contoh Kegiatan sehari hari Dalam bahasa inggris
Contoh Kegiatan sehari hari Dalam bahasa inggris

Everyday I usually wake up in the morning, because I set my alarm at 4:30 a.m, immediately I washed my face, I took a whudu and praying subuh. Then I cleaned my bed. After that I took a shower. After shower I wore T-shirt and then I made breakfast, sometimes I made friedrice or I just ate bread. After breakfast, I read the newspaper and having a cup of coffee. Then, I left home and going to college at 06:30 a.m.
I arrived to the my campus at 07:00 a.m. Before I went to the class, I always wait my friend in library, after they came, we always talk, playing games, and buying some drinks or foods. In the college I started studying at 08:00 a.m until 03:00 p.m. After studying, my friends and I went to the library for downloading movies or music, because in library there is free wifi, if wifi was not active, we just sat beside the library and talking about task or talking about something else. After that, my friend and I prepared for praying ashar. Then, I went back to my house.
I arrived in my house at 05:00 p.m, I took a shower and getting shirt. After that I watched TV, I watched short movie, animation , news, reality show, or shopping channel. I watched TV until 06:00 p.m, before praying maghrib. When I listened calling for praying, I went to mosque for praying maghrib, because the mosque is so near by my house. After praying, I cooked for dinner. Sometimes I cooked noodle, rice, eggs, or something else in the kitchen. After dinner, I washed the dishes, and then I prepared for praying isya. After that, I went to my bedroom, I played music from my tablet. Sometimes my cousin and I went to play badminton, if we will go for playing badminton, immediately I changed my clothes, and going to the TALA half to training badminton with my cousin. There we met with so many professional badminton players, they played badminton very good, I tried to learn how to play badminton from them. After training, we went to restaurant to buy some juices. Then we were back to home.
When we arrived at home, immediately I changed my clothes, I turned on my laptop and I tried to connect my modem with my laptop, I opened my social media. I also listened music and writing my homework, if I cant answer it, I opened the google for searching clue about my task, after my homework was done, I watched movie in my laptop until sleeping. Before I went to slept, I went to bathroom for brushing my hair, teeth and washing my face then I slept. Sometimes I woke up in the midnight for downloading movie or streaming youtube, because in the midnight packet is very cheap it just need10.000 voucher for 2.5 Gb. so thats why I choosed midnight to download, sometimes I never sleep for a night because of that activity, that made me so sleepy in the morning . Thats all my daily activity.
Available link for download